3. Sor. Kana simas savorri / Sos ma coxa lolori
Audio | Play recording |
Opening lyrics / Label | 3. Sor. Kana simas savorri / Sos ma coxa lolori |
Location of validity | Kétegyháza [Arad] |
Date of collection | 1982.06.12 |
Collector | Kovalcsik Katalin |
Presenter | Farkas Mihályné Faragó Katalin „Bangyi”; "Band'i" |
Presentation technique | pergetés; ének |
Genre | táncdal, pergetés is |
End pitch of melody lines | 8(b3)V |
Recording identifier | Mg - 04443B |
Media | ZTI_Mg_04443B04; ZTI_AP_12914d |
Additional information | Nyelv: cigány Megjegyzés: szövegkezdet: Kas naj romni, te del les o Del |
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