Ušt'i Ruža, bulav tu / Kaven le vom, mangen tu

Audio Play recording
Opening lyrics / LabelUšt'i Ruža, bulav tu / Kaven le vom, mangen tu
Location of validityMezőhegyes [Csanád]
Location of collectionVégegyháza [Csanád]
Date of collection1982.06.12
Collector Kovalcsik Katalin
Presenter Faragó Matild "Babus"
Presentation technique ének
Genre hallgató
End pitch of melody lines 5(b3)b3; 5(3)3
Number of syllables
Recording identifier Mg - 04446A
MediaZTI_Mg_04446A06; ZTI_AP_12923a
Additional informationTéma: esküvői
Alkalom: lakodalom
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